Dr. Ivan Bracic is here to provide clear and informative answers to your questions about musculoskeletal wellness. Whether you’re addressing discomfort, exploring preventive care, or seeking to understand treatment options, his expertise will guide you through the complexities of maintaining optimal health. Discover practical insights, effective treatments, and tips for enhancing your overall well-being.

Your journey to better health starts here!

What inspired you to establish your practice?

I’m from Florida and I really wanted to be back home… what better place than Fort Myers and Lehigh to start a practice.

How has your approach to patient care evolved over the years?

We work very closely with other providers that have the best equipment because to me it’s important that a patient has not only great treatment but they have diagnostics that mirror what we’re doing.

What makes your clinic unique compared to others in the area?

I think it’s clear to see that we have invested a substantial amount in the latest technology, finest equipment available. My father always told me if you are going to do a job, do it right or don’t do it at all.

How do you personalize treatment plans for each patient?

No two patients are identical. Their conditions are not identical and so we can’t use a cookie cutter approach, that’s not fair… they deserve a very tailored, custom designed treatment program.

What advanced technologies do you use in your treatments?

Our clinics have the best spinal decompression machines that you can buy… DRX9000 and the AccuSpinas, those are the top two machines available. Besides that we have high powered laser… radial pressure wave… chiropractic tables.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in chiropractic care?

When it comes to education, we’re constantly doing seminars. I’m a member of the National Spine Management Group. This is a group that incorporates other disciplines. I’m getting training from all these different disciplines to find out what’s the latest, what’s the greatest techniques.

What motivated you to open a new office?

We had found that we had patients driving two hours, actually, to get to our clinic and we wanted to be able to offer services to more people.

How do you approach holistic pain management?

We have what I believe is great holistic pain management… it’s us. It’s our clinic. it’s our staff, it’s our equipment. Our knowledge base.

What are the benefits of non-surgical treatment options?

The non surgical approach should be the first approach because it’s the safest approach.

How do you balance running a business with providing hands-on patient care?

I’m very fortunate to have Jamie as my partner… If I focused on all of that it would take away from the level of care that I’m providing my patients. A great team is important.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

When I ask a patient how did you hear about me? They say my next door neighbor, my brother, you worked with my mom, my cousin. That is awesome because that means we’re doing something right.

How do you support patients in maintaining their health after treatment?

It’s amazing to see how many patients can improve by just some small tweaks to what they’re eating or some of their habits of what they’re doing throughout the day.

How do you handle complex cases that require multidisciplinary care?

There’s times I need to refer to a neuroradiologist, orthopedist, internal medicine… I pride myself in seeking out the best doctors to refer my patients to.

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Can you describe the patient's journey from the first visit to recovery?

Absolutely. First of all, patients will meet with Dr. Ivan to have a discussion of their past history, their current condition and diagnostics if any. I ensure a thorough read of their MRI reports and images to make sure nothing’s been missed. We then tailor a custom approach based on their unique condition. We then embark on initiating treatment and as mentioned before, we have our periodic re-evaluations to see if we’re meeting our goals. Remember, no two patients are exactly the same.

What feedback have you received from patients about your new office?

Thus far, our clinic is exceeding expectations. It was a great decision to stretch service to the South Fort Myers area and to the people affected most by Hurricane Ian.

What should patients expect during their first visit?

Typically, the first visit will last approximately 1-1½ hours. This includes a one-on-one consultation with the doctor, an examination and x-rays if needed. The doctor will explain the results of the examination and x-rays and then formulate a plan of care. It also includes the first treatment. It’s a pretty comprehensive visit.

How do you educate patients about their conditions and treatment options?

By showing patients their actual x-rays, their actual MRI images and by using anatomical models, I feel we really help patients grasp a mental picture of what’s truly going on inside. Then we demonstrate how the equipment in the office is designed to alleviate their pain and increase their function.

You know, this world in which we live is so results driven. And because of that, people have become impatient. This is where it gets scary for me. This is where the rubber meets the road. In our clinic, we utilize MRI as the gold standard for spinal and joint conditions, and as an assist to the design of our treatment programs. I always view the MRI images when available. Most chiropractors only rely on what the radiologist puts in the report. I’ve called the radiologist personally and asked them to review the films with me. It’s vital that we have an open line of communication to improve a patient’s outcome.

What are the most common conditions you treat at your clinic?

Obviously, neck and back issues and headaches top the chart. Knees respond very well to our Knee-On-Trac decompression, while hip and shoulder pain respond very well to shock wave and laser therapy. These modalities are utilized at major universities, pro sports teams and research clinics. It’s truly amazing as to what therapy can accomplish.

How do you manage patient expectations and ensure they feel heard?

Every patient meets with Dr. 1st and is encouraged to give a full comprehensive account of their unique condition. As treatment begins, we have periodic re-evaluation’s to ensure that we are meeting our treatment goals and the patient expectations.

What advice do you have for someone considering chiropractic care for the first time?

In my opinion it’s very important that a patient take the time to look at all conservative treatment methods available to them. If they’re even considering going to a chiropractor, Look around… Take a look at the doctors website… How much have they invested in that clinic? Again, no 2 Chiropractic clinics are the same either. Trust me, there are plenty of doctors offices that I’d never step into. I feel very confident that anyone who steps into 1 of our facilities, will “feel the difference”. This place didn’t just happen by chance. They can tell that everything and every inch of this space has a purpose. And that purpose is to help them improve their health!

Can you share a success story that has had a significant impact on you?

Wow,  that is an interesting question because I think we’ve had many success stories and yet most of them revolve around being able to keep people out of surgery. Yet there are times, it’s important to get them to “the right” surgeon. I have discovered several cases of potentially life threatening conditions that were missed by other medical centers. We’ve been able to get them steered in the right direction before it’s too late. You can imagine how that felt for all of us. Amazingly satisfying.